Thursday, May 11, 2017

Gold Optimization Spreadsheet 4.5

Greetings Valers,

The spreadsheet has been updated:
 - all the dragons: adding the 2 new Galaxy Dragons
 - Eggs section updated
 - MASTER updated
 - DASHBOARD: added a box to show the treats statistics. Very useful if you want to know how much treats you need to get your dragons to max level, and how much gold you need based on the crop you grow.

The treats statistics box has been added based on your feedback from a recent poll. Some of you also wished to be able to add more habitats per island as 10 was too few. However the feedback I received was not enough to do that work *just now*, but I'm exploring the idea for the next major update (5.0) along with new ideas.

Keep your feedback going, you can reach me via the comments here, on facebook or by my email.
Donations always welcome if you use and appreciate the spreadsheet!


  1. Great tool. Helps keep track of dragon progress.
    FYI, Hybrid is misspelled on the DASHBOARD tab, EGGS tab, and LEVELLING_UP tab:(HYDRID).
    My first download was (is) v4.5. What have others done when updates are rolled out. Basically how would I re-enter my dragon data easily and efficiently?


    1. Hi Ricky,
      thansk for your comment, good catch on the mispelling. Will be corrected in 4.6, however, I couldn't find the mispell on LEVELLLING_UP. Can you give me the cell coodinates or rows or columns?
      About transferring data to the next release, I've published an article: Unfortunately, there is no other way at this stage to automate it, unless we go with macros which I'm not experienced enough, nor confident enough to implement here.
      Maybe others have a different way?

  2. This is an awesome spreadsheet. I have been trying to figure out how much my park can make in a day and this helps tremendously. I finished updating my own copy and did find some bugs and missing information.

    I am unable to add ornamental dragons to ornamental habitats. I kind of think this may be related to some syntax issues. In the master tab the habitat drop down has ornamental spelled correctly but in a few other places it is not spelled correctly.

    Unable to add Sunstruck to celestial habitat. I was able to fix this on my master tab.

    Dragons not owned on dashboard don't match dragons in red on my_dragons tab. I am currently only missing 5 new event dragons. I am unable to add the 8 ornamentals. this comes out to 13 dragons. the Dashboard says 23.

    Missing dragons (i added these on my sheet so more for you to use to update the master), habitats, islands:
    Large Chrysalis
    19th island
    Rift element
    Rift habitat (if one gets added during event)
    Steam (water/fire)
    Jetstream (cold/air)
    Fire Rift (fire/rift)
    Plant Rift (plant/rift)
    Alpenglow (earth/light/rift)
    Blightwing (fire/air/rift)
    Snowsquall (cold/water/rift)
    Voltaic (lightning/dark/rift)
    Spore (plant/metal/rift)
    Cold Rift (cold/rift)
    Earth Rift (earth/rift)
    Infrared (light/fire)
    shining (light/lightning)
    Cyclone (lightning/air)
    Surge (lightning/water)
    Fissure (dark/earth)
    Lightning, Water, Air, Metal rift dragons (these will probably be added during event)
    And I assume the respective eggs, I didn't really use that tab.

    the light and dark reward habitats can now hold light/rift and dark/rift dragons respectively.
    the light and dark rift dragons now have light/rift and dark/rift as their elements respectively.

    Requested additions/modifications:
    Show something on the dashboard that indicates which elder dragons are owned
    Add Kairos levels
    Add field on the dashboard that indicates how much DC is earned when you activate Kairos
    Add the ability for users to add islands, habitats, and elements to the sheet.

    1. Hi Aaron,
      thanks for your message.
      All the updates between release of 4.5 and today will be done in 4.6.
      I'm working on it, but won't release anything until the pentournament event is over and we get more clarity on that rift habitat and the dragons that will come in august (metal / air rift).

      Abouit your suggestions, great ideas!
      1 and 2 are easy enough, maybe for the next release.
      3 & 4 are more difficult:
      how much DC is earned when Kairos is activated depends on how much gold you already have in each habitat, which I can't know. I could come up with an estimate, based on kairos level, but would need to find the right formulaes. Will try when I get time.
      Asfor adding islands, habitats and elements, I would need to unhide several worksheets, change permissions and such. At this stage, very unlikely.

      Thanks again

  3. I've tried the posted method of unprotecting the cells in excel, however I have yet to successfully gotten it to work (is there a different method for Excel 2016?). However I have been asked for a password to unprotect spreadsheet with in the workbook, would you by chance share that?

    1. Hi Steve,

      the method posted was not about unprotecting cells, but on how to clear existing data so you can start with a clean spreadsheet.
      The file is password protected, so that only cells that needs to be filled in can be edited, without breaking functionalities.
      It also helps keeping my work safe, as I have spent 1000's of hours on it and wouldn't like to see it posted somewhere else without any credit as too often seen on the internet (ie my island map who get regularly posted by a "creators" in various forums / FB groups).
