Thursday, April 20, 2017

Gold Optimization Spreadsheet 4.4

Greetings Valers,

Wow what an event BFS threw at us for Easter! Lots of new stuff, with a new booster, a new island and the very first habitat that can accomodate 6 dragons!

The spreadsheet has been updated:
 - all the dragons: all the ones from the event, plus the few that came along like Sumi and Plateau!
 - Eggs section updated
 - MASTER updated
 - ISLANDS: major update there, had to rework quite a few things for that Chrysalis habitat upgrade and its 6 dragons
 - RANKINGS: all the habitats (I think) are now listed
 - ISLANDS: new monolith booster
 - LEVELLING UP: now indicate if that dragons can be upgraded by Tiamat, Bahamut or either one. Usefu so you don't waste your treats when you have one of both of the Mythics dragons.
 - DASHBOARD: added a box to see how many dragons can be upgraded by Tiamat, bahamut or both, and how many remaining dragons you can upgrade through the Mythics dragons feature.

Keep your feedback going, you can reach me via the comments here, on facebook or by my email.
Thanks to Christopher L. W. for his support and feedback, lots of things comes from our exchanges.
Donations always welcome if you use and appreciate the spreadsheet!


  1. There is another fantastic FaceBook group called The Keepers of Dragonvale it has 2.5k members and growing, it is run by Jared prendez.
    Please take a look at iy

    1. Hi unknown,
      ys I know of jared's group, and I do publish update of this file on that group when I can.
      There is only one group that asked to not post on their group because of my donation page, but I try to post it everywhere I'm allowed :-)

  2. Is there any way we can be able to minipulate decorations and habitats like be able to turn them in different directions then we would be able to get them to fit better.
    Thank you

    1. Hi Amy,
      I think your question is gameplay related, but I'll don my best: no it is not posisble to rotate habitat or decoration in DV, that feature is only available of DV World.
      If your question was related to the spreadsheet, I have limited it to 10 habitats, but I know it is possible to put more in an island. I just don't find it very pretty in most cases (both in game and on the spreadsheet it self :-))

  3. Can you please post a version without all of your info pre-populated? Or add a "clear all" button or something?

    1. Hi unknown,
      I've been asked that before, and I did release one without any prepopulated data (my own). And then I was asked by a few new users to keep it as it gives ome directions on what to fill.
      And since I test the sheet with my data (and I'm lazy), I've left my data.
      I'll try to do a poll when I get the chance, and depending on feedback then, I'll change or keep it this way.

  4. Hi,
    I just found this tutorial:

    it seems to work for me even in protected format. Please try and let me know if this works for you as well.

  5. Get the message "We can't do that to a merged cell" on the Islands and other necessary tabs.

    1. select ok and do it again, it will expand the selection to the merged cell and clear the data
