Saturday, December 24, 2016

Gold Optimization Spreadsheet 4.1

Greetings Valers,

The Frosty Jubilee has began, as well as the long awaited Bring'em Back event!
Plenty of dragons to breed if you're still missing some, and don't forget the limited Twinkle Dragon, quite simply the biggest gold earner ever released!

The spreadsheet has been updated:
 - all the dragons from the event: Ribbon, Snowbrush, Tinsel, Flurry, Thundersnow and of course Twinkle!
 - Eggs section updated
 - MASTER updated with all the gpm per levels
 - Island 16 & 17

Keep your feedback going, you can reach me via the comments here, on facebook or by my email.
Donations always welcome if you use and appreciate the spreadsheet!

Merry Christmas to you all, and see you in 2017!


  1. The correct spelling is "Portent Dragon" (not Potent).

    1. good catch Tom!
      will correct in the next version, though anyone can edit Master if needed :-)

    2. I tried that, and it worked, but not in the tab Ranking. Hardcoded?

    3. no it shouldnt be. Maybe try to refresh the data, there is button in excel that says "refresh all" under data

  2. Do you have this habitat? "Large Light Reward Haitat"

    1. I dont have it right now in front of me, but I remember lookking at adding "special" in that drop down menu where you can select small, large, huge. Can you confirm? If not I ll look at it when my laptop is back

    2. Changing to Special shows up zeros instead of values in the yellow boxes top the right. "Large Light Reward Haitat" have 150 000 as max DragonCash, in comparison with Giant that have 125 000 as Max.

    3. Hi Tom, sorry for the late reply but this actually took some work to implement.
      I believe I have fixed it, it's still under testing but on the next release you will find in the dropdown menu for the habitat size the following extra options: ev-regular, ev-large and ev-giant.
      As far I can tell, only Light and Dark habitats have special events capacity, not covered by the Special.
      Fingers crossed that there is no bug and I should be able to release 4.2 when the Valentine event finishes

  3. Is there a way to fix misspelled "Ornemental" habitat?

    1. Good catch! No sorry it is not possible, but will be corrected in next release
