Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Gold Optimization Spreadsheet v.2.3

version 2.3 is now out, and brings with it quite a few changes!

 - Added regular snowflake habitat

 - New DASHBOARD: fill out the spreadsheet, and see your score and progress in dragons and egg collection!

 - New EGGS worksheet: track all your eggs using a simple dropdown and visualization thanks to ALL the eggs pictures!

 - Master table up to date with 207 dragons

Please feel free to provide feedback and bug reports, hard to test everything on my own ;-)


  1. Hi KinkSeb, love this spreadsheet. Looks like there is a problem with Snowflake habitat though - it won't let me select any dragon's for the habitat in the Island Tab. As you've hidden all the other tabs with a password in the last few updates i can't check it out to update myself. Thanks,

    1. Thanks Steve! Realized that when I got my first Snowflake, you're getting iceberries faster than me lol!
      It's fixed now in 2.4 released today. Thanks again!
