Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Gold Optimization Spreadsheet 4.2

Greetings Valers,

The Valentine event has ended and I have been busy updating the spreadsheet with all the new stuff!

The spreadsheet has been updated:
 - all the dragons from the event: Ambrosia, Cuddlewing, Rosegold, Stoneheart and Honeyglow!
 - Eggs section updated
 - MASTER updated
 - Added large Aura habitat capacity
 - Added regular, large and giant event capacity for Light and Dark (in dropdown, these start with "ev-")

Keep your feedback going, you can reach me via the comments here, on facebook or by my email.
Donations always welcome if you use and appreciate the spreadsheet!


  1. I love your work and am looking forward to using it. I have a probably very dumb question, but I don't use Excel for anything else. How do I 'zero' out the Island page so that I don't have to delete your dragons before putting in my own.

    Thank you so much for sharing this. This is exactly what I would do for myself if I had a clue how to do it. My only complaint is at the moment I am squeezing as many habitats as possible on an island in order to take advantage of the boost, ignoring looks, so I have up to 13 on an island, but I am just going to stick the extras on Island 17 and ignoring boosts for those, so no big deal.

  2. Hi Calian, unfortunately, you'll have to delete (select the cells and pres "DEL") the dragons, levels and habitats for each island.
    I leave my own data as it is useful for me to test everything I do / change still works and doesn't break.
    I'll be releasing 4.3 in a few minutes, I'll delete everything there and see what the feedback is :-)

  3. I did the individual deletion while waiting for your reply one evening. Not that big of a deal, but given how lazy I am and how I only got one island done since then (as much as I like doing databases to figure out the best play, trial and error keeps me going as long as an interesting egg is hatching), it will be fun to see what people say, plus start fresh (I have two other parks to keep track of as well, I keep wanting to start over when I realize I was doing something poorly...bit too much perfectionism in me). Thanks again. This is the most fun I have had in awhile.

    1. thanks Calia, glad I can keep the game interesting :-)
      I'm a perfectionsist too, and this spreadsheet keeps things interesting for me as well. Would love to have enough users of it so we could compare scores ;-)
